40% off masterclasses & tutorials

Sound Design
with Serum

Learn and experience everything about the virtual wavetable synthesiser Serum from Xfer Records over the course of just under 7 hours. Every interface, every knob, every feature - including the wavetable editor - is explained and clearly presented for beginners and advanced users alike. Do you want to understand and master Serum 100%? Do you want to take a sound from your imagination to the DAW? Then pick up the Ultimate Serum Guide now and experience wavetable synthesis on another level.

Sound Design - Create your own sounds 

Tired of standard drums and synths? Then simply design your own sounds! Learn how to work with your favourite synths and create expressive sounds in our sound design courses. Learn all about classic and experimental effects to create complex sounds from simple samples and give your tracks character and uniqueness. Discover the fun of sound design and tap into your creativity now.